One of the most important topics of the 2017 report was to extent animal welfare. This target was not only hit, it was overwhelmed. The goal in 2017 was that more than 60 percent of the German production should come from animal welfare concepts. Until end of 2020 more than 90 percent of the German production have been raised through animal welfare programs.
Another great topic is to change the raw material and animal feed. Currently solely non-genetically modified soy is used as animal feed. But the WIESENHOF farmers take it a step further. They only use sustainable soy grist. And the ultimate goal until 2025: Exclusive use of sustainably grown soybean meal and no use of mineral phosphorus in at least 50 per cent of animal feed production.
If you are interested in our products, please feel free to send us your enquiry to international@wiesenhof.de.
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