In addition, all German WIESENHOF production sites for chicken, turkey and sausages are producing on a 100% CO2 neutral level since 1st January 2020! For this reason we are part of the “ZNU goes zero” initiative and a pioneer in our branch.
Did you know that our six WIESENHOF production facilities are operating fully sustainable? 34 audits have been successfully conducted since 2013 in regards to the ZNU-Standard “Nachhaltiger Wirtschaften”.
In the subject packaging focus has been set to “less is more”! Since 2019 we annually safe 573 tons of plastic! However, aim is to cutback further plastic usage and optimize recyclability coupled with 100 per cent food safety.
Additionally the CO2 consumption could be reduced by means of reducing the thickness of our copy paper. We could safe 14,518 kg of CO2, which nearly equals to 10% savings and our copies still look as good as in the beginning.
As for the team of WHI, we are curious what the next chapter of sustainability will bring to all of us and we are looking forward to all positive impacts in our daily lives. The full sustainability report can be found here.
If you are interested in our products, we are looking forward to your enquiry to international@wiesenhof.de.
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